«Переправа через Стикс» 1520—1524 Прадо, Мадрид
дерево, масло. 64 × 103 см
Landschaft mit hlg. Christopherus, Escorial
около 1520/1524
«Пейзаж с искушением святого Антония». 1520—1524
группа Квентин Массейс
дерево, масло. 155 × 173 см
Прадо, Мадрид https://www.museodelprado.es/en/the-collection/art-work/the-temptations-of-saint-anthony/b93e9da4-8a77-44ae-ba29-1811cc546fd8
Пейзаж со святым Иеронимом. 1516—1517. Дерево, масло. Прадо, Мадрид https://www.museodelprado.es/en/the-collection/art-work/landscape-with-saint-jerome/116e5d91-b895-48cf-9cf1-3bd5bf17f983
Saint Jérôme en pénitence, dans le désert 1521, Louvre, Paris https://collections.louvre.fr/en/ark:/53355/cl010061899
The Penitence of Saint Jerome ca. 1515
Rest on the Flight into Egypt Prado, Madrid
1518 — 1520. Oil on panel. https://www.museodelprado.es/en/the-collection/art-work/rest-on-the-flight-into-egypt/196d8898-81f4-4167-9d7e-96757e34030a
Landscape with the Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah
Neptune and Amphitrite
Oil on wood, 188 x 124 cm
Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Oil tempera on oak panel, 114 x 95 cm
Alte Pinakothek, Munich
Adam and Eve
c. 1520
Oil on oak panel, 167 x 109 cm
Royal Collection, Windsor
Adam and Eve
Oil on oak panel, 172 x 116 cm
Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Adam and Eve
c. 1510
Oil on oak panel, 57 x 37 cm
Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid
The Adoration of the Kings
Oil on wood, 177 x 162 cm
National Gallery, London
c. 1520
Oil on canvas transferred from wood, 141 x 107 cm
The Hermitage, St. Petersburg
Agony in the Garden
c. 1510
Oil on oak panel, 85 x 63 cm
Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Virgin Mary, Christ Blessing, and St John the Baptist (Deesis)
Oil on paper attached to oak panel, 122 x 133 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid
Мадонна с младенцем
Около 1532. Панель, масло, 34.4×24.8 см. Ян Госсарт (Нидерланды, c. 1478 — 1532). Credit: Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington.
Virgin and Child
c. 1520
Oil on oak panel, 39 x 27 cm
National Gallery, London
Мадонна с младенцем. Эрмитаж
Gossart’s lost original portrait of the noblewoman Anna van Bergen posing with her son Hendrik as the Virgin and Child
Carondelet Diptych
Oil on panel, 43 x 27 cm (each)
Musée du Louvre, Paris
St Luke Drawing the Virgin1520-22 Oil on oak panel, 110 x 82 cmKunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
St Luke Drawing the Virgin
c. 1515
Oil on oak panel, 230 x 205 cm
Národní Galerie, Prague
Portrait of a Man
c. 1520
Oil on panel, 36 x 28 cm
Pushkin Museum, Moscow
Portrait of a Man
Oil on oak panel, 34 x 24 cm
Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts, Brussels
An Elderly Couple
Oil on parchment laid down on canvas, 47 x 68 cm
National Gallery, London
Portrait of a Man
c. 1530
Oil on oak panel, 64 x 48 cm
National Gallery of Art, Washington
The Three Children of Christian II of Denmark
Oil on oak panel, 34 x 46 cm
Royal Collection, Windsor
Jan Gossaert (Jean Gossart)
A Young Princess (Dorothea of Denmark?)
about 1530-2
Oil on oak
38.2 × 29.1 cm
The Sermon, Stoning and Entombment of St. Stephen, from the Polyptych of St. Stephen and St. James the Greater, c.1541 (oil on panel)
Musee de la Chartreuse, Douai, France
Lochorst Triptych
Oil on wood
Centraal Museum, Utrecht
Entry of Christ into Jerusalem
Oil on wood, 79 x 147 cm
Centraal Museum, Utrecht
The Baptism of Christ
c. 1530
Oil on panel, 121 x 157 cm
Frans Halsmuseum, Haarlem
The Flood
c. 1530
Oil on panel, 109 x 178 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid
Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
Oil on wood, 114 x 85 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Мадонна с дикими розами
Madonna met wilde rozen Centraal Museum
высота: 52 см x 44 см
Центральный музей Утрехта
Мадонна с младенцем
1530–1531 годы
66×45 см
дерево, масло
Тамбовская областная картинная галерея
SCOREL, Jan van
Portrait of a Man
Oil on panel, 66 x 44 cm
Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Oil on panel, 66 x 44 cm (each panel)
Kartinnaja Galerija, Tambov and Staatliche Museen, Berlin
??? Святое семейство с попугаем или Отдых на пути в Египет. Недавно была продажа этой или копии работы мастерской — Частное собрание??? а так, непонятно что и где
Mary Magdalene, circa 1530
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Пейзаж с Вирсавией (ок.1540?, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam)
Portrait of a Schoolboy
Oil on wood, 47 x 35 cm
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam
Portrait of Joris van Egmond
Oil on panel, 57 x 80 cm
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Portrait of Agatha van Schoonhoven
Галерея Дориа-Памфили Рим
Минерва защищает науки и искусства, побеждая невежество. Ок. 1591 г. Холст, масло. Музей истории искусств, Вена
Бартоломеус Спрангер
«Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus”
um 1590
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien
Геркулес и Омфала. Миниатюра. Ок. 1600 г. Медь, масло. Музей истории искусств, Вена
на медной пластине
Bildmaß: 23,2 × 18,4 × 0,1 cm
um 1593/1595
126 × 79 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien
Jupiter und Antiope
um 1596
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien
Бартоломеус Спрангер
Diana Resting after Hunt
circa 1566-1611
Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
Bartolamaeus Spranger with an Allegory on the Death of His Wife, Christina Müller, ca. 1600. Engraving Aegidius Sadeler II, Dutch (Flemish), (ca. 1570–1629) .
Venus and Cupid on a Dolphin
c. 1577
187 x 201 mm
Pen and black ink with brown wash, white heightening and some black chalk on brown paper rubbed with black chalk
Hercules and Omphale
c. 1588
242 x 198 mm
Pen and brown ink with brown wash, traces of white heightening and traces of black ink over black chalk underdrawing
Uffizi, Florence
Аллегория времени
329 x 239 mm
Pen and brown ink with brown-gray wash and white heightening
Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum, Braunschweig
Больше https://www.pubhist.com/person/1286/bartholomeus-spranger/works/drawings
Venus and Cupid
c. 1583-85
220 x 188 mm
Pen and black ink with gray wash and white and red heightening, on paper rubbed with black chalk
Fondation Custodia, Collection Frits Lugt, Paris
The Golden Age, 1605, oil on copper
The Metropolitan Museum of Art,
Mars and Venus Surprised by the Gods, 1605, one of several small versions Wtewael painted of the subject. 20.3 x 15.5 cm
масло на медной пластине
Музей Гетти
есть другое название Марс и Венера, застигнутые Вулканом
Perseus and Andromeda
Oil on canvas, 180 x 150 cm
Musée du Louvre, Paris
Lot and His Daughters
15.5 x 20.5 cm
Oil on copper
Hermitage, St. Petersburg
Lot and his Daughters
c. 1600
Oil on canvas, 209 x 166 cm
The Hermitage, St. Petersburg
Воскрешение Лазаря
about 1605-10
Oil on canvas
131 × 162 cm
at the moment: National Gallery London, on loan from Wycombe Museum
Christ with Children
Hermitage, St. Petersburg (Эрмитаж).
Свадьба Пелея и Фетиды. 1592-1593. Музей Франса Халса, Харлем
высота: 246 см; ширина: 419 см
The fall of Ixion
192 x 152 cm
Oil on canvas
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam
Ars Libera Student Survival Guide
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Падение человека (Адам и Ева). 1592. Рейксмюсеум, Амстердам
Two Followers of Cadmus devoured by a Dragon
148.5 x 195.5 cm
Oil on canvas stuck on oak
Signed, on the stone in the bottom right-hand corner: Cor Corneli…. fecit 1588
The National Gallery, London https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/paintings/cornelis-van-haarlem-two-followers-of-cadmus-devoured-by-a-dragon
Избиение младенцев.1590 г.
Подписана и датирована.
Рисунок правой руки. Музей Тейлора, Харлем
Икар. 1588. Гравюра резцом на меди
По рисунку Корнелиса ван Харлема
Фаэтон. 1588. Гравюра резцом на меди
Геркулес Фарнезский. 1617. Гравюра резцом на меди
The Great Hercules
engraving on laid paper 1589 |
Portrait of Sculptor Giambologna
Chalk, 370 x 300 mm
Teylers Museum, Haarlem
Self-portrait. circa 1590-92 Nationalmuseum, Stockholm
Goltzius’s Dog
c. 1595-1600
409 x 324 mm
Black, brown, red and yellow chalk, brush in brown and black ink
Teylers Museum, Haarlem
Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus
Pen and brown ink, on vellum
The British Museum https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/P_1861-0608-174
Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus
1599. Масло по наброску черным мелом на бумаге, 42,8 х 31,9 см Британский мазуей, Лондон
Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus or Venus and Cupid with Two Satyrs
ca. 1599-1602
105 x 80 cm
Oil on canvas
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia
Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus
1606 (?)
219 x 163 mm
Pen in brown, reddish-brown accent strokes, over traces of red chalk, on off-white prepared canvas
Hermitage, St. Petersburg
Hercules and Cacus
Oil on panel, 207 x 142,5 cm
Frans Halsmuseum, Haarlem
173.3 x 200 cm
Oil on canvas
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles
Gift of the Ahmanson Foundation
Jupiter and Antiope
Oil on canvas, 122 x 178 cm
Frans Halsmuseum, Haarlem
Lot and his Daughters
Oil on canvas, 140 x 204 cm
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Адам и Ева (Грехопадение). 1608. Эрмитаж, Санкт-Петербург
Eve, 1613,
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg
51 × 38,5 cm
Крещение. 1608. Эрмитаж, Санкт-Петербург
Dying Adonis или The blood of the dead Adonis turns into an anemone (Ovid, Met. X 735)
1609, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam