The books that shaped art history

The Burkington magazine list

  1. Emile Ma^le L’art religieux du XIII sie’cle en France. Etude sur l’iconographie du Moyen Age et sur ses sources d’inspiration. 1898 Essay by Alexandra Gajewski
  2. Bernard Berenson The Drawings of the Florentine Painters Classified, Criticised and Studied as Documents in the History and Appreciation of tuscan Art, with a Copious Catalogue Raisonne’ 1903. Essay by Carmen C. Bambach
  3. Heinrich Wo”lflin Kunstgeschichte Grundbegriffe^ Das Problem der Stilentwicklung in der neueren Kunst. 1915. Essay by David Summers
  4. Roger Fry Ce’zanne: A study of His Development. 1927. Essay by Richard Verdi
  5. Nikolaus Pevsner. Pioneers of the Modern Movement from William Morris to Walter Gropius, 1936. Essay by Colin Amery
  6. Alfred H. Barr, Jr. Matisse: His Art and His Public. 1951. Essay by John Elderfield
  7. Erwin Panofsky Early Netherlandish Paintings: Its Origins and Character. 1953. Essay by Susie Nash
  8. Kenneth Clark The Nude: A study of Ideal Art, 1956. Essay by John-Paul Stonard
  9. E. H. Gombrich Art and Illusion: A study in the Psychology of Pictorial Represantation, 1960. Essay by Christopher S. Wood
  10. Clement Greenberg. Art and culture: Critical essays. 1961. Essay by Boris Groys
  11. Francis Haskell. Patrons and Painters: A study in the Relations Between Italian Art and Society in the Age of the Baroque. 1963. Essay by Louise Rice
  12. Michael Baxandall. Painting and Experience in Fifteenth Century Italy: A Primer in the Social History of Pictorial Style. 1972. Essay by Paul Hills
  13. T. J. Clark. Image of the People: Gustave Courbet and the 1848 Revolution. 1973. Essay by Alastair Wright
  14. Svetlana Alpers. The Art of Describing: dutch Art in the Seventeenth Century. 1983. Essay by Marie”t Westermann
  15. Rosalind Krauss. The Originality of the Avant-Garde and Other Modernist Myths. 1985. Essay by Anna Lovatt
  16. Hans Belting. Bild und Kult: Eine Geschichte des Bildes vor dem Zeitalter der Kunst. 1990 Essay by Jeffrey Hamburger
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